My world was happy… All things were possible! Come let me take you on a journey through my Life.
At first, feeling all things were conceivable – then – believing nothing was, and finally now in later years realizing that it’s only if I believe I can, that it can be so!!!
As I look back I recall my first coherent thought was that I was ‘different’. Not only in the way I was treated, but the way I felt inside. I was always being scolded and told to settle down — stop this, stop that. You see, I was Hyperactive – High strung – Fired up. Tremendous energy that had no creative outlet, nowhere to go. This would continually get me into trouble even up to the age when I attended college and sometimes beyond.
When I was told NO, you cannot achieve your dreams; you’re not good enough or smart enough – this would make me try harder, fighting to achieve what I wanted. As people said not possible, the Baba in me kept saying, you can do it… go for it.
So with his help and guidance, I ended up not listening or following others, but Doing it My Way! Dhanyavad Beloved Baba.